Rotating Content Tool


The Rotating Content Tool is a free online tool that provides a simple way to add dynamic content to your web pages. You organize your content in advance and the content will then automatically rotate based on your criteria, either by specified dates or randomly.

What is “Rotating Content”?

By “rotating content” we mean content that changes whenever someone visits a web page. This tool allows you to add two different types of rotating content to your web pages:

  • Calendar Content: With calendar content, the displayed content is chosen based on the date. When the page loads, the script will check the date and find the most recent content to display for that date. Calendar content could include a “Proverb of the Week”, “Class Assignments Calendar ”, or a year-to-date progress meter.
  • Random Content: With random content, the displayed content is chosen randomly. Every time a web page is loaded or refreshed, the script will randomly select a piece of content to display.

The possibilities for different kinds of Rotating Content are endless. You may want to check out our ideas about possible ways to use this tool, or browse through the Shared Content Library to see how other people are using this tool.

Syndication and Sharing Content

One of the most important things about Rotating Content Tool scripts is that they can be easily shared. In the same way that you can add Rotating Content to your own web pages with these scripts, you can also choose to share these scripts so that others can also make use of the content that you have created. Likewise, you might find some scripts with content that you would like to use. Please visit the Shared Content Library to see what content is already available for you to use - and we hope that after you create some Rotating Content of your own, you will choose to include it in the Library for others to use too!